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Catch up?
...written on 05.26.06, @ 11:39 am

Um. **sigh**

2 months. There's no excuse.

Here are some highlights...

I finally passed my last test in order to get my AIS designation. Really this just means I know all sorts of insurance terms, and have an understanding about continuous improvement. My favorite part (besides getting some initials) is that I get to quit reading the most boring shit ever. I can't even explain how boring. Although I had this moment in Nebraska while studying in complete silence when all I could think about was naughty stuff pertaining to my favorite WA boy and I literally had to quit studying because I had managed to read the same page like 4 times.

Why was I thinking naughty things you ask? I came off the fake hormones and got some of my naughty back. Not being able to get horny sucks. Todd and I thought it in our best interest to get me off the drugs. No, we're not trying to get pregnant. Quite the opposite. He's going to get the snip snip but we thought we'd get it done closer to my "getting off the drugs". He still needs to make an appointment. TMI... I know.

I am soccer mom here me roar. Every Tuesday is soccer night. Mass chaos is the only description I can come up with but just imagine 40 little ones trying to play soccer. Tuesday was our last night of the spring session. At least in this time the munchkin has figured out that the ball isn't going to just come to him. He has to go after it. We consider it a small victory since he has never had to be assertive up until now.

No, I will not be purchasing a minivan. I have my limits. I always kind of insisted that I could do the mom thing in the Honda. Well, technically I can but it isn't that comfortable or convenient. If I had 4 doors I would fight a vehicle purchase harder but I have 2 doors. I admit defeat. The other leading reason is safety. Todd doesn't like me driving around without four wheel drive in the winter. He was a little weird most of the winter when I actually had to drive in the snow. We have compromised since I don't want to drive a huge gas guzzler. We're trying to find a slightly used Blazer in the smaller version, not the Trailblazer. We think we found one in Nebraska.

Almost daily we add bits and pieces to our custody file. The next court date is June 30th. So if you think about it... send good thoughts. We found out the other day that the psycho was arrested twice while Ryley was in her custody. Don't write bad checks kids. Ryley hadn't mentioned her getting arrested but I'm inclined to think that by that point... getting arrested seemed normal.

I seem to be getting used to opening my eyes in the morning to a 4 year old only inches from my face� "can I have a pop tart". Never in my wildest dreams did I think this was something I could get used to.

The house is a disaster. Remodeling isn't anywhere near done. At this point I think we've made a major decision about the house and its potential sell date so it makes it hard to get motivated when you know that it might just get torn down after all that hard work. I know that's cryptic and vague but I refuse to divulge information that hasn't totally been decided yet. I will say that we have an opportunity to buy a bar in November. Considering the circumstances it would be stupid not to do it. The flip side of that coin is that our lives will change dramatically and it's a little scary to even think about it for me. For us it isn't just a bar purchase either. There are major changes related to it and then there would be another business purchase on the horizon. We'd own two businesses. It's hard not to get pumped about it or to say "this is what we're doing" because we both keep saying... we have time to think about this but the more we think about it the more it just makes sense. When we make the decision it'll be bittersweet.

Oh ya... and that wedding thing. Well, it is sort of anti-climatic. I've got most of the major decisions taken care of with the exception of a photographer and florist. So now it's down to the stupid little stuff and I have over a year to worry about it. The only thing I'm looking forward to right now is the ring. I never thought I particularly cared about the ring and maybe I still wouldn''t if I didn't know it was in the works. Now that I know it's being made as we speak... I want it. I'm such a girl.

Well, and I've heard from James twice. More on that later.

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